Your one-stop solution for your lead prospecting needs
Find data, wherever it hides and organise it for you

Who we are
We are a data services company – we find data, wherever it hides and centralize it for you. We are client-focused, looking to understand and tailor our services to your needs.
Our focus revolves around the sales process of companies looking to expand through mass-marketing. We compile prospect lists geared towards your target industries in any location. Additionally we provide data enrichment services, helping ensure your data is of the utmost quality.

Our services
Provide data services to cross-functional departments, such as marketing and sales operations. Ensure the quality of those lists through a rigorous checking process. We are also sensitive to our clients' time constraints in doing so.
Ultimately, we seek to contribute to your sales process and work hand-in-hand with our clients to achieve their sales objectives.

Our mission
Delivering high quality prospect lists and data enrichment services to our clients on a consistent and most professional basis.